- prevent or self-manage type 2 diabetes
- make healthy lifestyle choices after gestational diabetes
- prevent heart disease and stroke
MyDESMOND is a suite of free online health education and behavioural change programs that will help you set personal goals around diet, exercise, and wellbeing to support you in making sustainable healthy lifestyle choices.
All our programs use a variety of different formats including short videos, learning sessions and interactive activities for you to view as quickly or as slowly as you like. With our MyDESMOND chat forums, you also gain the sense of community you would by attending face-to-face programs.

- prevent or self-manage type 2 diabetes
- make healthy lifestyle choices after gestational diabetes
- prevent heart disease and stroke
MyDESMOND – Type 2 Diabetes
Empowers people to confidently self-manage type 2 diabetes in a way that suits their lifestyle.
Baby Steps – Post Gestational Diabetes
Supporting women previously diagnosed with gestational diabetes to make healthy choices and lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
- Encourages you to track steps or active minutes
- Provides ongoing support from Health Professionals
- Provides access to an online community and chat forums
- Motivates you to set goals and compete in challenges
- Keeps a track of your HbA1c, blood pressure, cholesterol, weight and waist measurements
- Includes short videos, learning sessions and interactive activities
- Educates by refreshing or updating your knowledge on type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular health, mental wellbeing, diet and exercise
- Is flexible – work at your own pace
- Is accessible 24/7 via computer, smartphone or tablet
- Allows you to sync a FitBit, Google Fit or Garmin fitness tracker.
Are the MyDESMOND programs right for you?
If you are familiar with online banking or shopping, booking holidays on the internet and using mobile phone applications, then yes, the MyDESMOND programs are suitable for you. See the MyDESMOND Device & Browser Compatibility .
Interactive Learning
Activity Tracking
Monitor your health
Set Goals
Ask a health professional


In 2019 MyDESMOND was adapted for Australia and extensively piloted under the NDSS nation-wide. It is accredited and/or endorsed by the following organisations:

Originally developed by the Leicester Diabetes Centre in the UK, Diabetes WA have adapted these programs for Australian audiences targeting those self-managing diabetes or who are at risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
(DESMOND stands for Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed.)

Terms & Conditions | Acceptable Use Policy | Device & Browser Compatibility |
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Website & Web App by: Hark 2